Dental Implant in Beverly Hills

Looking for an expert to get a dental implant in Beverly Hills? Dental implants have transformed how dentists can replace your missing teeth and Beverly Hills has become the headquarter for it. Before dental implants, people had no other options but to put up with dentures and were not able to chew many kinds of food including hard nuts and crispy foods. With advantages in cosmetic and very life-like materials, dental implants now give patients a complete restoration of a beautiful smile and mouth with a youthful rejuvenation.  Dr. Thanos Kristallis is an expert cosmetic dentist and a board certified prosthodontist in Beverly Hills, CA with almost 30 years of experience in restorative dentistry and dental implants.

For any dental procedure, including dental implants, most patients rather work with a cosmetic dentist or Prosthodontist with many years of experience. Although most general dentists are trained to perform very simple dental implant procedures, for complicated cases a board certified specialist is a perfect candidate to take over such cases. Our office has earned a reputation throughout Beverly Hills because of the personal level of care we provide to each patient. From beginning to end, you know that your best interests are taken care of and you’ll be prepared to help maintain your results now and over the long run.


Cost of Dental Implant in Beverly Hills

The cost of dental implants will depend on the number of teeth that need to be replaced and the kind of artificial teeth that will be used. A single dental implant, for example, may cost somewhere between $1500 and $3000. Please keep this in mind that these are just some estimated and average prices and depending on the type of implant and the complexity of the case these prices may vary. Your Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Thanos Kristallis will design a customized treatment plan for your specific treatment. A portion or all of your dental implant cost plus your other cosmetic dental procedures may be covered by a third party financing company.


Beverly Hills Dental Implant Expert

The procedure for inserting a dental implant involves fusing a titanium screw with a patient’s jaw bone. Then implant is connected to the abutment supporting crown. Many dentures and bridges may not be an appropriate choice for patients. These other procedures don’t’ consider the fact that real teeth preserve the jaw bone whereas, partial dentures and bridges can harm the remainder of the teeth. Chewing with partial dentures can significantly wear down these materials, weakening the teeth. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry says a bridge typically lasts no longer than 10 years and one out of every three patients have a bridge or partial denture that fails. Full dentures also have significant downsides because they can limit the types of food that can be eaten and can slip.

When a dental implant is instead used to replace a tooth, the implant provides jawbone stability without damaging the teeth. The success rate for dental implants is much higher at 97%, according to research completed by AAID. Furthermore, dental implants don’t have many of the problems that other replacement methods do, and people can enjoy their food with confidence. Four implants can replace the upper or lower teeth, but an implant can also replace just one missing tooth. Fewer implants are needed if the implant is longer.

Those patients who have missing teeth or dentures may benefit from dental implants that can significantly enhance the quality of life and give greater confidence when smiling or eating.A dental implant as an official replacement for a tooth root is typically made from titanium. However, you will want to discuss with your Beverly Hills Prosthodontist, which is most appropriate as a reliable form of treatment. The primary purpose of any dental implant is to achieve close and immediate contact with the surrounding bone. Dental implants often have some type of post space or internal screw thread that allow numerous different components to be fitted. This gives long-term support for bridges, crowns or dentures.


Expert 90210 Beverly Hills Dental Implant

A dental implant is a post that serves much like a tooth root, surgically positioned into the jaw bone beneath gum line, allowing your cosmetic dentist or Prosthodontist to mount a bridge or replacement teeth to that area. Whereas a denture can come loose, a dental implant does not. Dental implants also have significant oral health benefits because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth such as bridges. When your dental implants are done by a board certified specialist with almost 30 years of experience, then you know you are being treated with an experienced expert with many year of extended training. Beside being a board certified specialist, Dr. Kristallis is also a UCLA Faculty.


Beverly Hills Single Tooth Dental Implant

If you are missing one tooth, a crown, then a single dental implant can replace it. The singular dental implant replaces both the root of the tooth and the lost original tooth. A bridge may require that adjacent teeth be ground down to support a cemented bridge, whereas there are many different advantages associated with dental implants when compared with a dental implant on its own replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of any neighboring teeth. At Cosmetic Dentists of Beverly Hills, your dental implants will be designed and calculated safely and your oral health and safety is always a top priority. Every step of your treatment will be explained to you in advance and you will have a chance to discuss all of your concerns and ask all of your question about your dental single dental implant treatment.


Multiple Dental Implant in Beverly Hills

If you are missing multiple teeth, there is a good chance that your cosmetic dentist or Prosthodontist may recommend implant supported bridges. Dental implants will be able to replace your natural teeth and some of the roots. Multiple dental implants have the significant advantage of functioning and looking like natural teeth, and are able to do so without support from adjacent natural teeth. Since multiple dental implant supported bridges will replace some of the roots within your teeth, your bone is better preserved. Dental implants can successfully integrate with your jaw bone, ensuring that the bone is kept intact and healthy. Multiple dental implants are functional, aesthetic and comfortable. Your treatment plan will be explained to you in your first consultation. If you need help with financing your dental implant treatment, you can always apply to third party financing companies that we closely work with. Upon your approval, a portion or your entire dental implant treatment may be covered by dental financing company.


Beverly Hills Reconstruction Dental Implant

Looking for a full mouth reconstruction in Beverly Hills area? If you are missing all of your teeth, a full set of dentures or an implant supported full bridge may replace them. Dental implants are often recommended for these procedures because they replace both your natural teeth and some of the roots.Dental implants have significant advantages over many other teeth replacement options because they are designed to be long lasting and to mimic your natural teeth.  They are also more stable and comfortable than traditional dentures, ensuring that you have better chewing and biting capacity. Your bone will also be better preserved with full mouth dental implants and full mouth dental implants are both more aesthetic in nature and easier to maintain over the long run.


Beverly Hills Same Day Dental Implant

Many people don’t realize that they can get dental implants in just one medical appointment. Revolutionary implant techniques used by our Beverly Hill Prosthodontist can help you to immediately replace falling or missing teeth in as little as one day. These highly successful and well documented procedures should only be handled directly by a specialist, meaning that you may have the aesthetic smile and fixed teeth of your dreams in less than 24 hours. You won’t have to wait for implant supported restorations to heal, which in the past took many months.


Immediate Dental Implant Beverly Hills

Your dentist may be able to carry out same day tooth replacement with immediate dental implants. High resolution 3D CT scans and virtual planning software are often used alongside the Beverly Hills Prosthodontist expertise, to ensure that immediate dental implants are possible. The benefits of these immediate implants as replacement teeth have been proven consistently in numerous different cases. These results are virtually the same as more conventional procedures, while also making things much easier for you and using dental implants that are designed to last a lifetime.


Beverly Hills Dental Implant Complication

Any dental implant complication should encourage you to visit your Beverly Hills Prosthodontist as soon as possible. Risks and complications may occur within the first 6 months after the placement or over the long term. These should always be reported directly to your doctor if you experience these challenges, including lack of stability, sinus problems and nerve damage.


Cost of Dental Implant in Beverly Hills

The cost of dental implants will depend on the number of teeth that need to be replaced and and how complex your case is. A dental single implant, for example, may cost somewhere between $1500 and $3000. Please keep this in mind that these are just some estimated and average prices and depending on the type of implant and the complexity of the case these prices may vary.  If you have to get more than one dental implant and the cost of your treatment becomes a concern, you also have an option to apply for dental implant financing from one of the companies that our dental office closely work with. CareCredit is a very powerful dental financing company and will approve you based on your credit history and credit worthiness.


Dental Implant and Bone Graft Surgery

A bone graft can serve as a solid foundation for your dental implant. In bone grafting, a piece of your bone is removed from another part of your body or your jaw and transferred to your jaw bone. In order to support a dental implant, it may take several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone.


Beverly Hills Dental Implant and Gum Graft

When you consult with one of the board certified specialists at Cosmetic Dentists of Beverly Hills, they will take take their time to check your entire oral health to find out if you are a good candidate for dental implant.  Some people may not have perfect gum and in some cases they might be suffering from gum disease in the areas where they are missing teeth.  Dr. Kristallis will go over all of your options and he will inform you in case you may need a gum graft treatment while you are getting your dental implants.  Restoring your missing teeth and your oral health is part of Dr. Kristallis specialty and that is why so many people come to his office in Beverly Hills to get their dental implants done.


Navigation Dental Implant in Beverly Hills

Looking for the latest technology in Beverly Hills area? Searching for an expert to replace your missing teeth with dental implants?  Dynamic navigation technology is the latest advancement in the field of computer guided dental Implantology and is very similar to the technology used by neurosurgeons when targeting brain tumors. This allows for the verification of positional accuracy and is only handled by an experienced and highly specialized Beverly Hills Prosthodontist Dr. Kristallis. He is an expert in this field and has many years of experience replacing missing teeth with navigational dental implant surgeries.  If you are undecided and need to get a second opinion about your dental implant procedure in Beverly Hills, Cosmetic Dentists of Beverly Hills can always help you to answer all of your questions.


Beverly Hills Candidates for Dental Implant

If you live in Beverly Hills area and looking for an expert to take care of your dental implants you can either go to a general dentist or a board certified specialist.  General dentist normally go through four years of dental school, but board certified specialists go through an additional three years of specialty program. Prosthodontists in general have more extensive training and experience in replacing missing teeth and placing dental implant is one of their specialties. If you are missing one or more front teeth and cosmetic dentistry is also something that you are concerned about, a board certified periodontist like Dr. Kristallis can give you the right direction and guidelines about how to proceed and replace your missing teeth with dental implants in his local dental office in Beverly Hills.   Dental implants are most commonly recommended for adults with good general health and they can only be used after the patient’s jaw bone has stopped growing and are therefore, not used with juveniles.

Your Prosthodontist in Beverly Hills will access your general feasibility of getting implant treatment and you will need to answer detailed questions about your medical history to figure out whether this is right for you. You must have a healthy mouth before undertaking implant treatment. The total process for dental implants can a few months depends on complexity of each case and since each patient heals differently, you will want to discuss your overall health and medical conditions directly with your Prosthodontist before getting the procedure done.